Georgiana Donavin, Westminster College

The following materials were presented and discussed at the 2019 International Congress of Medieval Studies (ICMS), in the session “Practical Approaches to Teaching Gower,” jointly sponsored by the John Gower Society and TEAMS. You are welcome to use these materials for your own classes, but please credit the source and/or contact the presenter to let them know.

These materials relate to teaching Gower in an undergraduate class titled “Constructing Gender in Medieval Literature.” A section of the class is devoted to legal, historical, and literary portrayals and discussions of sexual assaulta and rape. Works discussed include the Tale of Florent (CA 1.1407-1882), as well as the tales of Lucrece (CA 7.4754-5130), Philomene (CA 5.5551-6074), Cornix (CA 5.6145-6224), and Calistona (CA 5.6225-6358).

Teaching Materials and Links