JGS Congress, Uncategorized
The Second International Congress of the John Gower Society: “John Gower in Iberia: Six Hundred Years” Valladolid, Spain 18-21 July 2011 The International John Gower Society held its second International Congress July 18-21, 2011 in Spain, hosted by the...
JGS Congress, Uncategorized
First International Congress of the John Gower Society “1408-2008: The Age of Gower” 12-16 July 2008, London 2008 marked the 600th anniversary of John Gower’s death. To commemorate this event, the John Gower Society, in conjunction with Cardiff University, Queen Mary...
Manuscripts, Scholarship, Uncategorized
A Caxton Edition of John Gower's Confessio Amantis UNC-CH Catalogue Entry: Published: Westminster, William Caxton, 2 Sept. 1493 [i.e. 1483] Description: [9], 2-ccxi [i.e. ccxiii], [1] l.; leaves [1], [8], [9] and last leaf are blank. fo. 30 cm. Notes: Capital spaces,...